Course curriculum

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. What makes feedback effective?

    2. Overcome your fear of giving feedback

    3. Test your learning

    1. Identify the right situations

    2. Time the feedback

    3. Test your learning

    1. Plan the interaction

    2. Initiate the exchange

    3. Engage in dialogue

    4. Test your learning

    1. Specify next steps

    2. Follow up

    3. Assess yourself

    1. Dealing with noncommunicators

    2. Managing potentially volatile encounters

    3. Giving feedback to high performers

    4. Giving corrective feedback to your boss

About this course

  • $99,900.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

What you'll learn:

This course walks you through the basics of giving effective, results-oriented feedback so that it can become an integral part of how you work with others. You’ll learn to:

  • Recognize opportunities for giving feedback.

  • Choose the best time and topics for discussion.

  • Establish a rapport with others while giving them feedback.

  • Ensure that your comments are valued.

  • Prevent and manage volatile feedback situations.

  • Create a work climate that encourages performance discussions.

Coming soon!

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